Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Finally, Affordable Editing and Proofreading

Many new writers would love to have their work edited. What's stopping them? Price. Editors charge by the page and it isn't cheap. For a full novel, which usually runs 80,000 to 120,000 words and is 120 to 300 pages in length, you can expect to pay anywhere from $1,200 to well over $3,000 for one manuscript. If you're like most people, the $10.00 cost per page charged by most editors leaves you with only one option - edit it yourself.

Unfortunately, no matter how many times you go over your manuscript, you're going to miss something. Or, what reads clearly to you, isn't clear to your reader. Now you have another option.

I provide editing services at a very affordable price with quick turnaround. I have a fixed price for short stories. For longer manuscripts, I charge on a sliding scale depending upon what type of editing you want and how many pages are in your manuscript.

Let me edit and polish your work. Please email me for pricing at:

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